Our Daily Bread

I know begging for food is bad, so here I am, embarassed by it. I do this most of the time. It's not my fault, blame the person who started giving me food in the first place.

I can't resist bread! I just love bread! That's why my favorite meal of the day is breakfast! That's when they eat bread. Just getting a sniff of bread gets me running to the dining table. I even wake up when I'm napping just to get a piece of it. I guess I'm that crazy for bread.


Talk about annoying... Here I am sleeping and Kim decided to take my picture. She'd disturbing my nap!
Here I am with Chester, one of my many toys. Aside from a good wrestling buddy, Chester can be a soft and comfy pillow! To tell you the truth, I'm using Chester as a pillow so that no one can get it from me. I do not like other people touching my toys.

I'm selfish especially if it's a new toy. I'd sleep with my toy or touch it so that I'll know if someone tries to move it.

Treat or Retreat

Ever want something so bad but you can't have it?? This is exactly what I feel here...

I feel like Kim's torturing me into not eating my treat. It's a new trick they thought of. "Stay". Of course, for me, this is the worst trick to do. Look, there's the treat right there, only inches away from my watering mouth, and yet, I'm not allowed to have it.

I have to "stay" still for a while, and stare at my treat. Torture I tell you, TORTURE!

Look at me closely, my eyes are definitely staring at the prize. How long does this torture have to go on.