A Hot Summer Day

I wasn't able to post anything new here lately because I have been so lazy these past few months. Summer can be really hot here and all I wanted to do during those times is to lie down in front of the electric fan and sleep. I didn't move that much because it'll only make me feel warmer. Although I shed some of my fur, it was still hot! 

Here's a photo of me outside.  My family decided to get ice cream and brought me along. To tell you the truth, I really thought they'd order me a sundae or something... but they didn't. They didn't even let any food near me! 

They even had me wore an underwear and tied me up around the chair. I don't know how ridiculous my situation there was. But at least I'm sitting on a chair. 

I remember this day very clearly. And I do not want to go back there again. I think I forgot to tell you the worst part of this trip was... Before everyone finished eating, the wind started to blow really strong. The wind just kept blowing stronger and stronger. So strong that the huge parasol covering us fell. And it almost fell on me. I almost died that day! I definitely wouldn't survive is a parasol squeesh me. Good thing Kim is fast enough to get me out of that chair before the parasol fell. She was really quick, because as you can see, I was tied up to the chair! 

Next time they're getting ice cream, I'd rather stay at home.


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