Grass Hopper
Posted by
on February 5, 2013
Going Out,
I Hate This
I'm a bit ashamed to admit this, but, since moving here in Hawaii, it's my first time to actually see what grass is. So, it's also my first time to actually step on the grass.
The first time I set paws on the grass felt weird. It felt funny and it tickles my paws. I walked so weird that people passing by gave me a curious look. At this first experience, I decided to avoid the grass patches on the streets.
After constantly being forced to walk to the grass, I have come to be okay with the feeling of those tiny green leaves in between my paws. I'm not tickled by it anymore.
Now, I like walking on grass, but the soil makes my paws dirty. I hate those tall uncut grass that slams on my face whenever I walk pass through them. I just run quickly and close my eyes.
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