Do you ever wonder how my name was chosen? No, it's not because I look like a Coco Puff cereal. They didn't get my name from a cereal, from hot cocoa drinks, or from a coconut tree, they got it from Coco Chanel.

On the way to pick me up, Jennifer and Kimberly were in the car trying to come up with different names that they think would suit a dog they have never met yet. It's kind of hard giving a name to someone you haven't actually seen yet. Kim kept coming up with crazy names like "Taco", "Cotton Candy" and "Caramel". Looking back, I'm quite thankful no one agreed with the names she thought. Everyone said the names Kim think of are just stupid and isn't suitable for a dog.
They got to the house where they were picking me up and still haven't thought of a good name yet. Wait a minute... Actually, they all thought they were going to get a male dog and not a female. The owner said her dog gave birth to all male puppies. So, were they thinking of boys' names all along?
Then, I heard the owner said "Okay, choose one puppy!". You see, me and my brothers were all roaming around the living room. My birth father was also there, trying to catch someone's attention in giving him a tummy rub. Now I know where I got that from...
So, when it's time for Kim to choose one puppy, all of my brothers hid. They all run behind the couch, away from Kim. I'm not sure if I'm suppose to get angry with them because they didn't shared their plan with me. When Kim picked me up, the owner finally told her that what they got is the only female among the litter.
Turns out, getting chosen isn't such a bad thing. I'm quite glad I got into this family who loves me so much. Now... back to the main story... my name.
Now, Kim got me to lie down on her lap in the car ride to my new home. I was sound asleep but I can still hear her insisting the name "Caramel" because of my color. Luckily, Jen came up with the most wonderful name, "Coco!". Darlene and Mommy quickly agreed with the name Jen came up with. I don't know if they did that because it was the best name for me or they just want Kim to stop coming up with those stupid names.
The first time a got to learn my name is when I was 3 months old. I was hanging out in the kitchen when someone shouted "Coco!". I suddenly knew they were calling me and quickly ran to where they were. Everybody was so happy at this moment.
From then on, I knew my name is "Coco". It's shirt, nice and easy to remember. So, when you see me, just say "Coco!" and you'll catch my attention.